A Message from the Founding Partners
Jehad Aliweiwi
Executive Director, Laidlaw Foundation
Bruce Lawson
President, Counselling Foundation
Marcel Lauzière
CEO Lawson Foundation
Welcome to our House
It’s been an interesting journey that started with a casual conversation in an airport that brings us to the reality of what today is Foundation House. As the founding partners, we believe this has been one of the most interesting and collaborative projects that any of us has been involved in. A mere 18 months after that initial conversation, we found ourselves not only having agreed to move forward but had found space, undertaken renovations and were working from here. We have exceptionally supportive Boards of Directors and staff teams, and are honoured that many of the leading organizations in our sector have agreed to join us here.
"The vision of Foundation House is to be a meaningful learning and collaborative work environment"
The vision of Foundation House is to be a meaningful learning and collaborative work environment, where each of us is able to achieve more as a result of being surrounded by our peer organizations than we would have on our own. The promise of Foundation House will only become a reality if each individual and organization resident here works towards that vision. Collaboration is more than a word. It is a way of working, a guide to decision-making, something that needs to be measured and tested. With the first part of the journey behind us, this is now a jointly-held focus for all of us at Foundation House.
We want to thank all organizations and individuals who helped us bring the idea of Foundation House to life. Your energy, passion and commitment helped us build, test, affirm and begin to share what we are learning amongst our philanthropic colleagues and others interested in the unique model that is Foundation House. Wouldn’t it be amazing to see a Foundation House equivalent emerge in cities across Canada?
"Being intentional leads to thoughtful, impactful decisions of benefit to civil society helping it tackle its thorniest issues."
All of us at Foundation House will be challenged by the realities of meeting the expectations of our Boards and our stakeholders as well as our colleagues. We believe the outcomes will prove that thinking big brings big results.
That being intentional leads to thoughtful, impactful decisions of benefit to civil society helping it tackle its thorniest issues. That thinking smart leads to measurable change of benefit to the communities we serve through our philanthropic efforts.
It’s one that doesn’t really have an end, only interesting side roads and pit stops. Learn more about who is here and what going on as you travel the pages ahead. Check in with us as we continue our Foundation House journey to bring to life a truly a truly collaborative and shared workplace.